Statement From Comrades on Hunger Strike: Reflections on the Strike and Transfers

Statement From Comrades on Hunger Strike: Reflections on the Strike and Transfers

After more than 50 days on hunger strike, we feel the need to be clear about the development of certain aspects during this mobilization.

The vast range of political views, revolutionaries and struggles in which we find ourselves held, in addition to demonstrating the absurd and fanciful nature of our accusation of terrorist conspiracy, translates into a difficulty and inability to elaborate more complete reflections or political analysis. The political imprecision in some of our collective statements and the difficult time we’ve had elaborating ourselves reflects the diversity of opinions amongst ourselves, yet clearly demonstrates the delusional charges being brought against us.

Even with these differences we have been forcefully subjected to a necessarily political / legal / police/ media process which as we have repeated many times, many of us have only recently met this process on the stand as defendants. So our “collective approaches” are located in the only real thing that brings us together and unites us: The legal process which weighs equally against us.

Now we are informed that the statements and the same mobilization we have been carrying out since the 21st of February are situated and center principally on legal themes and specific events that effect everyone incarcerated under the “Bomb’s Case.” The political definition, analysis, reflections, positions and projections are not shared but belong to each person who cares to express them. Today we unite in our desire to walk the streets once again.

On Thursday the 7th a hearing was held which resulted in us being transferred from the Maximum Security Section to the High Security Prison. We denounce the brutal regimen of isolation, segregation, and punishment which we have been subjected to for the last 8 months, every prisoner who survives these conditions of extreme isolation should be supported.

The confused arguments of the prison guard’s lawyer don’t give a coherent answer as to why we were put in the C.A. S. Finally the judge has accepted our transfer, which has been put into effect March 12 during the night, and now we are each being held in different sections of the prison:
H North: Carlos Riveros is on the same floor as Vinicio Aguilero (3rd)

H South: Rodolfo Retmales and Omar Hermosilla are together on the 3rd floor while Pablo Morales stays on the 2nd

Module J: Felipe Guerra and Francisco Solar are on the 3rd floor

Camilo Perez: Still in maximum security, has not submitted to a corporal raid. The prison guards are starting a hearing which will decide where he will be transferred.

As of today two of our demands have been met- the end of the investigation period and our transfers out of maximum security, but we still continue an indefinite hunger strike, maintaining the demand for our freedom, that the precautionary measures be changed, that the anti-terrorist law with its secret witnesses is no longer applied to our case, the end of this law, the end of constitutional restrictions for charges labeled “terrorist” and that our sisters in prison stay on the 2nd floor of the S.E.A.S.

The mobilization on the street that has been accompanying our hunger strike has experienced an increase in political violence, on April 6 the repressive forces launched into an especially brutal hunt, ambushing the manifestation, beating, and arresting a group of comrades demonstrating their solidarity in order to later continue the repression against those they found outside of the police station inquiring about the situation of those recently arrested.

Even so, intransigent and insistent, as much the Wednesday marches as well as different expressions of solidarity continue…

We also salute the blocking of the street in Ñuñoa, to all those who embrace our conviction with fire.

We send our best regards to all those everywhere who have not been indifferent to our incarceration as well as the mobilization which we are carrying out for our immediate release to the streets.

An end to the Anti-terrorist law; created in the dictatorship, perfected under democracy!

The hellish punishments they threaten us with confirm that they will try to make examples of those who question the prevailing order!

Prisoners of the Bomb’s Case on hunger strike in C.A.S. April 2011.

translated from

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