Spain: Explosive attack at the Social Security Treasury in Madrid

On the night of April 13-14 April the Social Security Treasury of Barrio del Pilar was attacked with an improvised explosive device.

In the current situation that we find ourselves which is nothing more than a further tightening of the screws of this system, we believe we have an obligation to take part and become aware in the reality in which we live.

The capitalist and democratic system with its crisis, its inherent crisis, has made ​​huge strides in recent years against the working class, but especially in recent months with the labor reform and cuts to social services. Despite all these attacks against all that our comrades fought for in the past and against which we are fighting now, it seems that here nothing happens, nothing changes and nothing moves. All of Europe is rising up fighting and creating revolts while here we resign ourselves and hope to pass the downpour.

We have taken action because if we do not do it ourselves, nobody is going to do it for us.

We attacked the Social Security Treasury as a clear symbol of the state which rob us, workers and nonworkers alike. Because it is a symbol of the capital and the oppression to which we are subjected every day.

We aim to encourage everyone to get organized and take the initiative to destroy everything that oppresses us and to create alternatives.

We also want to remember our Chilean comrades who find themselves kidnapped for the “Bombs Case.”


Madrid, April 2011



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