We Will Not Bend

As predicted by previous demonstrations, this Wednesday’s march ended up being a battlefield.

A little context, although the images speak for themselves, the atmosphere started out hostile. Before the march began, the tinku (radical dance troupe)- once again acting in solidarity with the comrades- were warned by the police that they could only protest in place, they could dance and play music, but if they started marching they would be arrested. Guess what happened. The tinku started to dance and began to move and along with the other people attending the demonstration seconded them and formed a march full of banners and signs, but were surrounded by police who- as is their custom- filmed and photographed every step. The march had not even gone a block when a guanaco (the police armored vehicle that sprays tear gas) came from behind and began to spray those in the march as well as those just sitting or playing chess in Plaza de Armas.

Some people ran and others took the streets, screaming for the comrades. Streets and intersections were taken for over 20 minutes, transforming traffic into a large line of cars and buses. There were 8 comrades detained and taken to the police station, where the special forces took a picture of each of them. Nevertheless after refusing to sign for the cause of their detention -public disorder- they were allowed to go and are now back in the street.

Our pain is gigantic but it does not consume us and today’s demonstration of solidarity was a faithful reflection of disgust of the laws that trap our brothers and sisters in prison today: we still desire their freedom, and long to see them in the street, shake their hands that are full of strength. After everything today, we found out today that the A14 hearing was suspended under the ridiculous pretext of a shortage of time, guarantee, and an appropriate place, while all of these things could be arranged beforehand with the innumerable resources of the state.

It is not necessary to call for solidarity with the comrades…

“Prisons are centers of extermination and torture…Prisoners to the streets!!!”

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