Solidarity action for political prisoners in Greece (C.C.F, R.S.) and Chile-(Lublin, Poland)

“It doesn’t matter that you ever reach the skies.
The most important is that you never should stop dreaming about it.”

At night, 27.04, we carry out small symbolic action of solidarity using paint bombs. We attacked the bank which is placed about 100 meters from police station. Throught this action we want to express our Solidarity and respect to each anarchist political prisoner, especially in Greece and Chile. Those who holds heavy consequences of their own political choices with pride and honour and do not bend under prison repression. Those who probably suffer painful tension between their family life and way of rebel which decided to follow.

We also took this action to celebrate May Day, instead powerless manifestations own weakness by marching in small groups of activists on Polish streets that day.

We refuse the realities of live in this country, where gloomy patriotic-catholic tradition teaches people to see enemies in another, neighboring nations instead of in capitalist elites, which rule everyday life. We don’t bother about catastrophe in Smolensk and hysteria of masses who despair that they lost their lords.

Unemployment or work, which makes you unhappy – or even worse: you feel happy when you can pay rent, bills and food. Work-emigration of thousands young people which are forced to looking for the way to survive, lack of money in the public sector and at the same moment government transfers money to the Polish Army which occupies the arab world (Iraq, Afghanistan) – this is really fucking catastrophe and misery of this system – the colorful, empty bubble. The existential emptiness, lack of generational identity and lack of life purpose are suppressed by alcohol, drugs, television celebrities and thoughtless fun.

We oppose to the Wojtyla pope (so-called “John Poul II”) beatification which will take place on May 1st. This is attempt to steal this important date. Wojtyla, this guy, with golden rings, helped to destroy revolutionary movement of liberation theology and he was doing this alongside with latinamerica regimes. He was also silent on church pedophilia, blocked the reforms within catholic church and was a political friend of working class enemies like Reagan and Thatcher.

We wish more courage to the comrades who have a policeman inside theirs heads, which does not allow them to take radical actions, even when that’s not mean serious risk.

We send greetings to our comrades from Silesia in Poland, who as a first in this country made a small Solidarity action with Cells of Fire prisoners.




1st of May solidarity group

Solidarity action for political prisoners in Greece (C.C.F, R.S.) and Chile-(Lublin, Poland)

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